Brian Lavery
B.Soc.Sc., M.B.A., H. Dip SW, PG Dip Mediation | CORU No.: SW003229
Brian is an Independent Guardian ad Litem and social work practitioner with over 30 years experience. Over that time Brian has gained extensive knowledge and skills in direct work with children and families. Given the nature of the role Brian ensures the views and wishes of the child is available to the court.
As a Guardian ad Litem Brian has developed good interpersonal and communication skills with a range of stakeholders. More recently Brian has undertaken further Post Graduate study in Mediation and Conflict to further develop his skills with families and organisations.
As a social work practitioner Brian continues to undertake specialist training including working with children at risk, drug and substance misuse, child and adolescent mental health, child protection, parenting assessments, family group conferencing and the assessment and treatment of adolescents displaying sexually harmful behaviour. Brian continues to attend professional training and is a member of a number of Irish and International professional bodies.
T: 087 639 3733